Piano Pedagogy Class, Dr. Eldred Marshall, Conductor, Mansfield Symphony Orchestra, independent piano Instructor and concert artist.

September 30, 3:30 For information on attending, contact Dr. Artina McCain.  The Press Enterprise (Riverside, CA) hailed his “dazzling technique” and his “clean, tidy approach.” Music critic Laurence Vittes described him as an “illumination in music,” and said of his all-Beethoven recital: “Marshall presented a recital so full of musical thrills and beauties, and so in…

Piano Pedagogy with Dr. Barbara Fast ,University of Oklahoma Director of Piano Pedagogy and Piano Area Chair

October 21, 3:30 PM For more information on attending, contact Dr. Artina McCain.  Barbara Fast serves on the piano faculty at the University of Oklahoma as Director of Piano Pedagogy and Piano Area Chair, where she coordinates the group piano program as well as teaches graduate and undergraduate piano pedagogy. In 2014, she was the…

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