Faculty Awarded Research Grants

Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center

The Division of Research & Innovation recently called for submissions to the 2023-2024 Fine Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences Support Program to encourage the growth of externally funded research through the production of scholarly and creative works. The program provided funding for professional indexing grants, image reproduction funds, subvention grants, and field work & archival research grants up to $2,500.

Professional indexing grants support the creation of comprehensive indexes for scholarly works, and image reproduction funds provide financial assistance for the reproduction of visual materials, facilitating their inclusion in publications or presentations. Subvention grants offer financial support to offset publication costs, and fieldwork & archival research grants provide funding to support researchers in conducting on-site investigations and accessing archival materials.

This year, sixteen projects received funding through the program, two of which were chosen from submissions by the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music faculty.

Dr. Josef Hanson
Dr. Josef Hanson

A subvention grant was awarded to Dr. Josef Hanson, Associate Professor of Music Education and Area Coordinator of Music for “Support for development and production of the book Learning Theories for Music Teaching: A Practical Guide”

Dr. Artina McCain
Dr. Artina McCain

A field work & archival research grant was awarded to Dr. Artina McCain, associate professor of piano and area coordinator of keyboard studies for “Album: Intersections.”

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