Alexander Barton Dissertation Final Defense

The College of Education announces the final Dissertation of

Alexander Barton

for the degree of Doctor of Education

November 8, 2017 at 12:00 pm in Ball Hall 110

Major Advisor: Stephen Zanskas, PhD

Graduate Counseling Students’ Perception of their Preparation to Counsel Children

ABSTRACT: This exploratory study examined masters level counseling students’ perceptions of their preparedness for counseling children. A web-based survey was distributed nationally to students in clinical mental health, rehabilitation, and school counseling programs to explore the students’ desire to counsel children, their perception of their overall ability, and their theoretical preparation. Differences were found among three counseling specialties and the level of student preparation. Significant differences were found between rehabilitation counseling students and clinical mental health students. Significant differences were also found between rehabilitation counseling students and school counseling students. Significant differences were also found between students that had coursework for counseling children and students that did not. Differences were also found between students that had clinical experience counseling children and those that did not have clinical experience counseling children. Implications for counselor educators, student preparation, and future research are discussed.

Keywords: counseling children; clinical mental health; school counseling; rehabilitation; masters level counseling students; perceptions; preparedness

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