Profile Paper Subject- The Gregory Brothers

I will be writing about The Gregory Brothers for the artist profile paper. Most of you probably know this group for its viral YouTube series, Auto-Tune the News, which featured the famous Bed Intruder video. The group has two YouTube channels: schmoyoho and The Gregory Brothers. The group is also on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and all four members have individual accounts as well. From what I have seen so far, the group makes money from songs on iTunes, live events, merchandise, advertising on YouTube, and donations. This group is somewhere between an Internet sensation and a mainstream band, as Bed Intruder landed the group on the Billboard Hot 100. The members have worked with mainstream artists as well, but they primarily became famous because of the group’s music/video distribution online.

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About Brittney Block

I am a graduate student at the University of Memphis, studying journalism with a concentration in integrated communications. I am currently working on a thesis concerning the use of QR code scanners and the mobile app Shazam. I expect to graduate Spring 2013.

2 thoughts on “Profile Paper Subject- The Gregory Brothers

  1. I think the Gregory Brothers are a good choice. Their schomoyoho YouTube-channel, where they uploaded their songified versions of the presidential debates, is very interesting. They even sell the songified debates as songs on iTunes!

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